Are you ready to move

Beyond The High Road

 of parental alienation?










*Countdown reflects pre-launch sale price (program begins Oct 7, 2024)

Before I tell you all about it, let's talk about...

Who Is This Program For?


You're a devoted parent who's lost yourself a little (or a lot) since it all began.  Perhaps you've been to therapy, and it helped... but you've plateaued.  Now, you feel like you're just sort of...existing.  You're ready to take your healing and your life to the next level.  

Your children are your heart.

Because of the distance between you, you're well-aware that grief is and will be part of your life. You want to learn how to honor your kiddos and your own feelings of loss, while creating clarity, momentum, & a sense of peace.  

You know that ultimately, you're made for more.  

But you feel stuck

You'd like some help figuring out what to do and how to do it.    

So, Whether You're:


  • a parent who's recently found out that there was an actual term for this Lifetime Original/Twilight Zone experience they call alienation, you just can't take the isolation and stress anymore.  You need some support and guidance.


  • mid-custody suit, and you want to be as clear-minded, prepared, and composed as possible.  You want to ensure that your testimony and time spent in court goes smoothly and ends favorably (just think: no stress responses on the stand!).


  • a veteran of this alienation thing, you'veexhausted all self-help resources & taken all the steps, but still feel a disconnect. Ultimately, you want to help others, but realize that you're not over the hump yourself yet.   


  • an action taker who is tired of doing this alone and craves people who will cheerlead your successes, be a sounding board for the days that suck, and kick you in the ass in the moments you need it most, so that you can feel and be productive in your efforts; finally gaining traction in healing each area of your life!

This program has all the support and tools you need.

In just a few short months you can be:


  • Clear on who you are and what you want next
  • Confident in your ability to make strong decisions that lead you to a life you're proud of
  • Free to love the next chapter of life without feeling guilty or worried you're leaving your children behind
  • No longer stuck in a rut, living a reality that’s not worthy of you 
  • Genuinely loving life again, even while experiencing the effects of being alienated from the children you love so very much
  • Feel connected to your kiddos, even though your access to them is limited/non-existent

Friend, I know that life hasn't gone how you expected.


When you found out you were going to become a parent, you probably spent hours imagining what life would be like with a little babe to call your own. Sure, you forecasted a bump or two in the road — definitely some character-building moments — but I can almost guarantee that you didn't expect the term "parental alienation" to be part of your vocabulary.



It’s Time To Love Yourself - and your LIFE - Again.




Feel Secure

You’ll learn a completely different way of approaching emotions so you can become someone who navigates even the most challenging emotions to create the life you want.

New Neuropathways

Shelby will walk you through her proven process, step by step, systematically removing old beliefs that no longer serve you; while redesigning your beliefs about yourself and what you're capable of creating in your future.

Better Relationships

The work we’ll do together APSC will benefit your children and every relationship in your life. Demonstrate the tools in your daily interactions and feel your connection grow.

Have Your Own Back

You’ll know how to support yourself when you feel overwhelmed, how to stop people pleasing those who have opinions about your grief and life choices and have the skills you need to create any result that matters to you.


You’ll be certain of your ability to make any kind of decision on your own and empowered to create your next chapter with unflappable confidence.


By the time you complete the APSC program, we will have resolved the issues nearly all target parents struggle with. You’ll be stronger, bolder and more self-assured than ever before. 

Friend, it's been a long road.  Let's take care of you.

What are the benefits of GROUP COACHING calls?

 During our weekly coaching calls, we take all of the tools you've learned, and we apply them.  We analyze them, as they relate to your specific situation, and we put them into practice.  

This is a safe & private space where everyone is working on their own healing journey.

Aside from the numerous benefits that come from being coached yourself, many find that it's extremely helpful for them to observe while someone else is being coached too. Often, just being present for someone else's coaching will spur more profound realizations than when being coached yourself! 

  • Collaboration: the potential for application retention is increased when you are watching a peer being coached. 
  • Out of the limelight: if introverted, not feeling "on the spot"; having the ability to watch as the tools are being applied to a peer's situation provides a feeling of safety.
  • Processing at your own pace: provides time for reflection and articulation 
  • Content-rich: learn from insights and contribution of peers 
  • Community:  group coaching offers a shared experience through community.  Others there to support and encourage.
  • Clarity: the group model is an excellent way to receive benefits and learn from a wide variety of situations
  • Motivation & morale: group atmosphere is uplifting and supportive
  • Cost: unbeatable benefits at a stunningly low price point makes the program an obvious top choice for healing. 

JOIN TODAY and GET $500 off!

price reflects at checkout 



for single payment, bringing your total to $1597


for 6 payments of $225

 (plus a one time $247 down payment).










"Shelby is a highly intelligent and likable coach.  She really GETS it..."

Serena Cosmo

"Shelby has been my rock during my blackest moments.  She works with humor, compassion, and empathy…" 

Leanne Yonkman

"As I was speaking to (my son), your words flowed through me with so much love.. I believe wholeheartedly that he responded well - in a way he never would've, had I not been coached by Shelby..." 

Shawn S.