Let Go of Shame & Create a Life You Love Following Alienation

Your ability to succeed is directly related to your default beliefs. In other words, if deep down, you don't believe you can accomplish amazing things, you will never try. You will live a mediocre life. You'll dumb yourself down.
I know you are more than that. I believe that -- no matter the obstacles -- you can do and be anything you decide on. So long as you believe it.
It's 2024. A brand new year is ahead of us. What do you want to create? Who do you want to become?
In this episode:
- My theory on 2 main reasons that we as alienated parents have a hard time believing that we can create a beautiful life
- How to overcome those reasons and create the a life that is worthy of you
- A story from my past illustrating how strong the human mind is, and how powerful and influential the beliefs we carry can be on our ability to perform in our daily lives.
- 3 MASSIVE mistakes I made during critical times, that ended me up here
- How to decide who you want to be moving forward
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